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Past Events

Every event that UM Consti Team had traditionally organised is curated specifically for the purpose of spreading the spirit of constitutionalism amongst the public with the ultimate goal of building a constitutionally literate society.


Interested in collaborating with us for future events? Do contact us on any of our social media platforms and our representative will get back to you at the soonest.




Reflections: Reverberations of Recent Rulings - Case Revisits

On 2nd May 2021, Prof Shad Saleem Faruqi was invited as our guest speaker for the last event of the 2021 Constitutional Carnival, Reflections: Reverberations on Recent Rulings. He then dissected the rulings in the cases of Mariah Chin Abdullah v Ketua Pengarah Imigresen & Anor, Rovin Joty Kodeeswaran v Lembaga Pencegahan Jenayah & Ors And Other Appeals, Iki Putra Mubarrak v Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Anor, and Jill Ireland binti Lawrence Bill v Menteri Bagi Kementerian Dalam Negeri Malaysia & Anor.


Law Review Competition -  The Federal Constitution: A Cardinal Facet of Malaysia

Pertaining to its title, 'lex terram' is a Latin phrase which means ‘law of the land’. In Malaysia, our law of the land, which is the Federal Constitution, has always been a cardinal facet of Malaysia – the core of the Federation which assembles the voices and views of the people on an ideal nation. 


Thus, this competition serves as a platform for participants to submit their respective works which will be reviewed by constitutional experts. Also, not only were the winners rewarded with grand prizes, winning articles were also featured on the UM Consti Team’s monthly Law Series and Consti Bulletin!


Public Speaking Competition: Lux Hominum Vita (Life, the Light of Men)

Lux Hominum Vita, which translates to 'life, the life of man' aspires to inspire participants to set the light of human dignity in the heart of their audiences with creative speeches that address socio-political issues and how these issues are correlated to the Federal Constitution. 


Hence, we sought the youth's stand and opinion on ‘Undi18’, which is a movement to reduce Malaysia’s legal voting age from 21 years old to 18 years old.


Tik Tok Competition: Sebangsa, Senegara, Sejiwa (Unity in Diversity)

This competition serves as a guide to pivot Malaysians of the potential we have as a diversified society, instead of being drowned in the ocean of negativity. The aim of this event is to celebrate our diversity and how we use our differences to create a stronger bond. After all, our Federal Constitution itself provides that everyone has the right to equality and fundamental liberties.


TikTok is rising as a new platform to spread all kinds of knowledge through creative means. Through this competition, we were delighted to see how students relayed their ideas on 'unity in diversity'!



Virtual Talk - Life and Liberty of Migrants, Asylum-Seekers and Refugees

The UM Consti Team organised a virtual talk on the topic of Migrants, Asylum-Seekers, and Refugees. Ms Katrina Jorene Maliamauv from Amnesty International Malaysia and Ms Mahi Ramakrishnan from Beyond Borders Malaysia were invited as our guest speakers. The moderator of this virtual talk session was Kamara Azlie, a then, second-year law student in the Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya.


Virtual Talk - Development and Challenges for Women’s Rights in Malaysia

The UM Consti Team organised an online webinar on the topic of Women's Rights. Ms Rheanne Wong from Stand Up Malaysia and Ms Nisha Sabanayagam from AWAM were gracious enough to accept our invitation to be the guest speakers for the event. The moderator of this virtual talk session was Ana Natasha, a then, second-year law student in the Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya. She was also a member of UMCT at the time of the event.


The Just Team: A chat with Justech x Consti Team

UM Justech had reached out to the High Committee of the 2020/2021 tenure for UMCT to participate in their very first online sharing session. Our members Akeed, Faye Lee Chin, Rachel and Jia Xin had gladly accepted their invitation. In the session, Akeed shared his experience and the underlying message on why he started out his recent trip 'Project Peninsula' and also his progress in the YouTube realm. Faye Lee Chin then shared the aspirations behind UMCT’s very own podcast while Rachel shared on her plans for UMCT's Tik Tok strategy to boost social engagement. 

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UM Constitutional Team,

Faculty of Law,

Universiti Malaya,

50603 Kuala Lumpur,


@2022 by UM Consti Team 

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